Sunday, May 19, 2013

Of bean poles and other matters

Thinking up new ways to raise funds is a challenge and more are needed for the summer maintenance, especially mowing and keeping the brambles under control.  Fortunately a large quantity of hazel rods had been put aside and advertisements for bean poles, placed in parish magazines, allotment notice-boards and general word of mouth all helped. We sold a good few bundles raising about £100.

Our first customer was an Ivy Hatch resident.
collecting beanpoles at the end of

No sign of spring but the sun is shining

Our next customer, from Plaxtol, needs the hazel rods not for growing beans up
but for her foundation
year art and design project.
She decided that the young wands
would also be ideal

Dad lends a hand

We  were delighted to welcome a second group of students from K College on the last two Tuesdays of April.  They arrived in the College mini-bus and pitched in with enthusiasm.
Tutors from K college

Building the bonfire

We were so lucky with the weather on both occasions and were able to enjoy potatoes baked in the embers of the bonfire, well-buttered and smothered with grated cheese and baked beans.  Excellent!

We are grateful to the K College students and their tutors.  With their help we were able to complete almost all of the clearing and burning of the accumulated winter's work.  We hope they will join in again next autumn when the work starts again. 


One more 'Nutters'  morning got the pile of holly alongside High Cross Road cleared away, then it was back to 'wanning' again.
Fortunately we had the most perfect spring day this week and got through another of couple of rows.


  1. Another post full of atmosphere and interest

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