Sunday, May 11, 2014

Spring on the cobnut plat

Just a quick post about spring flowers. They have been magnificent this year.  Was it the over-supply of rain and the mild winter temperatures that have brought forth such an abundance this year and with such wonderful colours?    Here are a few of them:-

Violets in profusion


Can you tell the difference between 'thrum-eye' and 'pin-eye'?

Bluebells in the wood margins...,

....and beneath the cobnut trees

Pink Campion


This year we advertised pea-sticks and plant-supports for sale, with notices in local shops and allotment sites.  The response was encouraging and customers arrived to take their pick of what was on offer.

The supply far outstripped demand however and, as in past years, there was plenty of work gathering up and making bonfires.  These three seem to be relaxing with most of the work done.

 The embers of the bonfire will soon die away

Now the alleys between the trees are clear of prunings and wands,

And the trees are coming into leaf:

 At 'bud burst' this was the scene with the alleys between the rows of nut trees cleared of debris.

Soon there will be a spurt of growth under the trees and in May and June the common spotted orchids will add colour to the scene.  After that it will be time for mowing between the rows - work that takes place several times during the summer months.  Meanwhile on the trees it will seem as if nothing is happening until suddenly, if you take a look in late July, the tiny nuts will be visible; at least we hope so:  weather conditions have been so unusual over the winter that it remains to be seen whether we get a good crop of nuts in September:  or just enough to keep the squirrel population from extinction (small hope!).